Week Four
Lecture Notes:
Lecture Summary:
This weeks lecture was by Martin Hoskin on ‘The Self’. Another interesting lecture by someone who clearly has a lot of knowledge on the topic of self. Some of the points that particularly stuck out for me this week are below:
Nudge Theory
The example that was given in terms of the nudge theory - putting a fly in a urinal, men are less likely to miss. I think this was so clever and interesting. Ive always had a fascination with how the mind works unconsciously and how things that we see or do has an impact on where we eat, buy and choose to be. One huge thing that has become a nudge theory these days are cookies on your computer - the fact that you might be shopping on Waitrose and then the next thing you see is an advert on Waitrose on facebook which is unconsciously telling you that you need to shop there. its scarily clever.
Digital Revolution
It was also really interesting to read about how we now strive for acceptance on social media and digital platforms that constantly makes us question our sense of self. That its no longer enough to take a picture we have to make sure that we tag the location, otherwise it basically means we haven’t been. I know that generation z are particularly bad at being brainwashed this way but I couldn’t agree more with the fact it makes you question yourself, you are constantly having a look into other peoples lives but the sad thing about social media is that people only put their best lives forward so you never really know what you are looking into.
Nature of projection
One of the other interesting points within this weeks lecture was the nature of projection. The whole girl mets boy but actually we are just seeking a parental image. The whole what did I see in them - you are so blindsided with kind of seeing a father for your children or a mother that you might be brainwashed to actually seeing them. This is definitely a subject that I would love to do some more research on.
Resource Reflection:
The resource “Modernity and self-identity; self and society in the late modern age (The Trajectory of the Self)” by Anthony Giddens this week outlined and questioned many things that we think is normal in our everyday. It made me think about my own life and some situations that we see as ‘normal’ that shouldn’t be normal. Its also made me rethink how I should be thinking and who I want to be. The key points were outlined as followed:
Living life to the max
There was an interesting point made about ‘ what if you are told that you have three years left to live, you have good health but how will you spend that time?’ Asking where do you want to live within that time and what you want to achieve. Ive always thought that Ive lived life thinking always live as if tomorrow is your last day, but I think in the current climate (covid) this has been made so difficult to complete and to live to the full. This has also made me really think about where I want to be living and with who I want to be living with.
Self observation
Another point that I found interesting within the resource is the art of self observation. Thinking about and living in the moment which is so important to do instead of stressing about the future or the past that we cannot change. One of the points that was made multiple times was how is your breathing right now, which is asked a lot through the resource. Whenever I read that I really took the time to observe how I was breaking and how my heart was beating.
Personal Calendars
‘A couple will remember that they got married two weeks after a president was killed’ I think this is so interesting and very relatable. For instance at the moment I plan my life and remember things from when we went into lockdown from corona virus rather than the days that it actually happened. Id never thought deeply into the fact that we all keep our own personal calendars.
This week for research I decided to look at some of the resources that were mentioned in the lecture, particularly relating to the nudge theory.
Ive always found listening to things a lot more helpful to gain an understanding. - The above was very repetitive of the lecture but helped me to gain further understanding of the full story. When I have time I will watch the whole documentary.
I think its always really interesting to research around the topic, to listen to others opinions. The above is so contracting to the previous video and really questions what your original thoughts are.
I also found this video of understanding the self. I found this so useful to also have a different perspective - also a really short video which was easy for me to take on board.
I then began to research more about the nudge theory and how this originally came into context. I think the nudge theory can be taken into any place but its used a lot in advertising mainly which I have seen on a lot of social media platforms.
Also researching more about projection I found this video super useful in trying to understand the topic.
Workshop Task:
As a Designer I am…
a Worrier
a Procrastinator
5 Words
A worrier
A Worrier
After doing mood boards for the 5 areas that I thought I was, I decided that I was more doubtful than sensitive. So my final 5 words are:
A worrier
For the main task of creating a visual expression that conveys you, I am drawing to doing something around growth. I feel as a designer you’re always changing due to being exposed to different ideas and art and even inspired by different experiences so you never stay the same for long.
After sketching out some ideas, I decided to take a Non format approach where they literally created graphics and text from things that they had around them!
I created the following below using paint creatively to try connect with the emotion of a designer.
I also decided to take pictures of some sunflower seeds to add the effect that I was created seed packets.
Which led to this as my final design. I think that If I had more time then I would’ve worked on the 3D of it and tried different variations but i’m really happy with the outcome overall.
Weeks Summary
This week has been another really interesting week for me especially when it comes to thinking about the conscious and unconscious consumer, and when it comes to the nudge theory and how our mind automatically does activities without us knowing, going all the way back to the fly on the urinal. This clever technique gives something for the user’s unconcious brain to focus on without thinking, allowing for less cleaning later on.
This small technique is part of a much larger marketing technique of pushing the consumer to buy products. Another focus this week has been on us, who we are as a designer and the whole idea of Self. This has also been interesting to learn about as we often don’t think about how we are really feeling or the positives of our personality and skillset.
Bringing this into the workshop challenge, which I also I really enjoyed this week as I channelled my inner Non format in order to create packages for sunflower seeds. I chose to see how I could use some elements of myself to improve others or share the personalities that I have. I find myself being more and more drawn to physical components of creation throughout the weeks of exploration in the course.